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  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新時間:2024-09-13
  • 訪  問  量:3638








A thermal shut-off valve with an automatic thermal shutdown device can be reset. The FHRDF thermal shut-off valve is designed for critical applications in refineries, natural gas production pipelines, chemical facilities, or any other process involving flammable liquids or gases. In the event of a flame or local high temperature, our thermal shut-off valve will automatically close the valve, thereby reducing the chance of further ignition of dangerous media. The closed or open state of the valve can also be known through a remote signal. In addition to these safety features, it can also be manually operated as part of a regular maintenance program to ensure that this critical safety device always maintains proper function. For this structural form of FHRDF thermal shut-off valve, it has a simple structure, ingenious design and reasonable layout. Its unique structure can realize automatic triggering of a series of mechanism actions after the ambient temperature reaches a specific range, and rely on the mechanically stored energy as the power source to realize the valve closing operation, and then achieve the purpose of automatically cutting off the medium transportation in the first time. Installing this thermal shut-off valve on the storage tank pipeline containing flammable media can serve as the first barrier for fire prevention and flame retardancy. It can react automatically in a short time and reduce the output of combustible media as much as possible, thus contributing to controlling the fire situation in case of an accident. Application field of fire safety ball valve with automatic thermal shutdown device Although the thermal shut-off valve with automatic thermal shutdown device is developed based on the feedback of refinery personnel, this product also has many other uses that can be used for any potentially flammable or toxic medium. Other applications include but are not limited to: natural gas and petroleum, biofuels, bulk loading, steam regeneration, nuclear, chemical, alcohol/solvent, backup generators, power plants, hospitals/oxygen, airports/jet fuel, storage tanks, pharmaceuticals, paint treatment, natural gas pipelines, high-pressure gas, manufacturing. The thermal shut-off valve can be used as a safety device or as an ordinary manually controlled ball valve, which greatly saves user cost, installation space and maintenance time.




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